The completed Application for Credit by Exam form stamped with a $15 proctoring receipt from the TRCC Cashier’s Office and a photo ID should be presented when entering the Testing (...)
Students should review the textbook for the CSA*105 course covering Microsoft Office 2016 prior to the test. There are three copies of the text available in the TRCC library. The (...)
You will take the test on campus in the Testing Center, Room A117. Students are allotted three hours to complete this exam and it can only be taken once.
Students should sign up at under Makeup, Challenge, and Special Accommodation Testing. In comment box, please note “CSA*K105 Challenge Exam.” Other appointments may be [...]
The CSA*K105 Challenge Exam is used to enable eligible students to ‘test out’ of the CSA*K105 (Introduction to Software Applications) course by attaining an overall score of 65% and at (...)
Any student who has not previously enrolled in, withdrew from, or failed the CSA*K105 course and has been granted prior permission is eligible to take this exam. Contact Professor Mark (...)
Notification of weather cancellation is provided through local television and radio stations, on the college’s website, and through the school’s myCommNet communication system to [...]
Three Rivers does not have a meal plan; students pay out-of-pocket. The cafeteria is open Monday – Thursday 8:30 AM – 8:00 PM, and Friday 8:30 AM – 1:30 PM. There (...)