Current Residence :
New LondonDegree/Certificate:
Early Childhood Education, A.S.Year of Graduation:
2021I’d like to give a shout out to:
I would like to give a shout out to my family and friends for being there for me this semester when things got hard to handle alone. Would also give a shout out to Jennifer Nally and Sheila Skahan. I will forever be appreciative and grateful to have both of you as my professors. You have been so understanding and helpful during this whole pandemic. The both of you also, really helped me know the importance to teaching young minds and though I know I have a long way to go, I will continue reaching out.
What I like best about my degree program and what it means to me is:
What I like about my degree program is that it gave me a different perspective of teachers and everything that goes into teaching as well. This program has allowed to meet such amazing little minds and get to receive great feed back from my professors and teachers.
Now that I have completed college, I’m most looking forward to:
I’m looking forward to expanding my education by going to a four year university to get my bachelors in psychology. Also, to continue my experience in teaching young children.