Spring 2018 Dean’s List Announced
Three Rivers Community College is pleased to release the Spring 2018 Dean’s List for publication. Congratulations to those students who made the Dean’s List this spring!
Students earn their place on the Dean’s List by receiving a 3.4 or higher grade point average based on a minimum of 12 credit hours.
The list of student names ordered by last name can be found below. A list of student names in order by town can be found here.
List of Students by Last Name
Maximo Alfaro Rivera, New London, CT
Ali L. Ali, East Lyme, CT
Christian G. Allyn, Ledyard, CT
Jessica E. Allyn, Uncasville, CT
Aaron D. Ames, Chapin, SC
Luis E. Andino, Gales Ferry, CT
Wender Andre, Groton, CT
Christopher Annino, North Stonington, CT
Mackenzie L. Ansich, Lebanon, CT
Tiffany L. Antaya, Canterbury, CT
Erica J. Aragones, Norwich, CT
Bryan W. Armstrong, Voluntown, CT
Gregory Aurelien, New London, CT
Hoda M. Awad, Groton, CT
Muhammad U. Azhar, Norwich, CT
Andrew J. Baer, East Lyme, CT
Wesley A. Baldueza, Groton, CT
Evelise D. Barros Correia, Norwich, CT
Kristine E. Bath, Waterford, CT
Brittnee A. Beebe, Niantic, CT
Clancy N. Benedict, Old Lyme, CT
Jordan L. Bennett, Brooklyn, CT
Christopher M. Berg, Mystic, CT
Blaise N. Berglund, Old Lyme, CT
Asmita S. Bhagat, Norwich, CT
Opumbir Bhinder, Waterford, CT
David F. Blagden, East Lyme, CT
Jeff Boldizar, Salem, CT
Tara A. Borchert, Waterford, CT
Eryn Bosworth, Ivoryton, CT
Lauren A. Bower, Norwich, CT
Victoria L. Bowles, Jewett City, CT
Christopher J. Boyle, Canterbury, CT
Andrew S. Braithwaite, Waterford, CT
Ryan J. Bramich, Ledyard, CT
Madeline M. Brenneisen, Groton, CT
Brittany M. Brewster, Norwich, CT
Emma Buckridge, Bozrah, CT
Andrea A. Buka, New London, CT
Nicholas R. Burdick-Chapel, Hampton, CT
Rachael Burton, Ledyard, CT
Jessica Butler, Pawcatuck, CT
Elva Callata-Luque, New London, CT
Sean P. Campbell, Canterbury, CT
Jessica A. Canty, Groton, CT
Douglas P. Capazzi, Groton, CT
Noah A. Carr, Baltic, CT
Quintin L. Carr, Baltic, CT
Jake V. Carrara, Niantic, CT
Heather A. Carroll, Groton, CT
Hunter J. Carson, Bozrah, CT
Rachel M. Carter, Norwich, CT
Doris E. Case, Mystic, CT
Bridney N. Casillas, New London, CT
Brittany A. Cassidy, Norwich, CT
Ovidio R. Chaparro, New London, CT
Cody A. Chapman, Brooklyn, CT
David W. Cheeseman, Niantic, CT
Jian Chen, New London, CT
Jie Chen, Uncasville, CT
Thomas K. Chirchigno, Salem, CT
Evan M. Christian, Niantic, CT
Abigail Christina, Bozrah, CT
Samantha L. Cianci, Plainfield, CT
Jerico V. Ciliano, Lisbon, CT
Rebecca M. Cipriani, Baltic, CT
Andrew B. Clark, Brooklyn, CT
Victoria Claudio, Norwich, CT
Benjamin A. Coombs, Oakdale, CT
Karen E. Coombs, Waterford, CT
Megan Cooper, New London, CT
Christina A. Cormier, Norwich, CT
Miranda Cote, Lebanon, CT
Stephanie M. Cote, Taftville, CT
Elise M. Couillard, Oakdale, CT
Molly Curry, East Haddam, CT
Rebecca Dambach, Jewett City, CT
Desmond A. Danquah, Groton, CT
Katherine A. Davis, Colchester, CT
Kyle R. Davis, Griswold, CT
Kendall L. Davis, Lisbon, CT
Sierra Deandrea, Ledyard, CT
Kate Decker, Ledyard, CT
Alyssa M. Delgado, Norwich, CT
Justine M. Deluca, Uncasville, CT
Grace M. DeLucia, Norwich, CT
Salina N. Denomme, Jewett City, CT
Taylor Desjardins, Plainfield, CT
Marley A. D’Ettorre, Norwich, CT
Rachel E. Dickens, Jewett City, CT
Ashley A. Doak, Niantic, CT
Jocelyn A. Dobrzycki, Ledyard, CT
David M. Donnelly, Branford, CT
Connor W. Doyle, North Stonington, CT
Jordyn E. Drabinski, Lisbon, CT
Meagan L. Droog, Uncasville, CT
LiQi Du, Norwich, CT
Mauricio E. Duarte, Groton, CT
Curt J. DuBois Jr, Canterbury, CT
Casey Dugas, Plainfield, CT
John A. Dwyer, Colchester, CT
Nicholas J. Dydo, Norwich, CT
Adam J. Dyer, Canterbury, CT
Keith J. Eagleson, Groton, CT
John Eggleston, Groton, CT
Lorenzo Enderle, Quaker Hill, CT
Daj’Anique K. Epps, New London, CT
Kelly M. Etheridge, Moosup, CT
Tiffany Evans, Oakdale, CT
Devontae L. Falconi, Griswold, CT
Kimberly M. Feraco, Ledyard, CT
Chelsea C. Fields, Quaker Hill, CT
Alexandra Fish, Jewett City, CT
Michael C. Flanagan, Moosup, CT
Estrella Flores, Norwich, CT
Yesenia Flores, Norwich, CT
Breeze L. Floyd, North Stonington, CT
David Z. Fontaine, Voluntown, CT
John V. Freeman, Ledyard, CT
Stephanie Frommelt, Norwich, CT
Jessica L. Fuller, Niantic, CT
Madison J. Gamache, Norwich, CT
Suntasy F. Gernhard, Norwich, CT
Brian A. Ghilliotti, Middletown, CT
Hannah M. Gienau, Pawcatuck, CT
Christa A. Girard, Griswold, CT
Jeremy Gladd, Old Lyme, CT
Erica R. Gonzalez, Groton, CT
Hannah M. Goodwin, Bozrah, CT
Justin R. Graham, East Lyme, CT
Harrison Graham, Waterford, CT
Kinsley Green, Groton, CT
Rachel E. Greiner, Griswold, CT
Kimberlee F. Grohocki, Waterford, CT
Natalie L. Gross, Norwich, CT
Emily R. Grout, New London, CT
Arly A. Guardado, Groton, CT
Stephanie C. Hahn, Groton, CT
Danielle Hajj, Quaker Hill, CT
Mark A. Hallbauer, Oakdale, CT
Patience M. Hamilton, Columbia, CT
Ashley N. Hanson, East Lyme, CT
Shaina E. Harkins, Norwich, CT
Barbara L. Hart, Bozrah, CT
Jefferey P. Hart, New London, CT
Victoria Hartmann, Norwich, CT
Elizabeth M. Hasara, Uncasville, CT
Rene T. Hawes, Hampton, CT
Kassandra A. Hayes, Groton, CT
Amanda Hayes, Groton, CT
Pamala M. Hayn, Colchester, CT
Zoe Hayn, Colchester, CT
Sean M. Hayslip, Bozrah, CT
Elijah J. Healy, Colchester, CT
Sharlene G. Helme, Montville, CT
Megan E. Hicks, Groton, CT
Ira C. Hillyer, Norwich, CT
Althea M. Hine, Norwich, CT
Phillip T. Hinojosa, Lebanon, CT
Hang L. Ho, Groton, CT
Hien T. Ho, Groton, CT
Kyle J. Hogan, North Stonington, CT
Hannah E. Hogsten, Gales Ferry, CT
Laure S. Hoza, Groton, CT
Wei Huang, Uncasville, CT
Justin D. Humphries, Groton, CT
Christopher P. Huynh, Uncasville, CT
Thomas H. Ibbison, Jewett City, CT
Abigail Ingalls, Ledyard, CT
Erianne M. Izzard, Gales Ferry, CT
Sashana D. James-Pinnock, New London, CT
Daniel E. Javor, Griswold, CT
Sarah L. Johnson, East Lyme, CT
Alysha E. Johnson, Pawcatuck, CT
Chloe S. Johnson, Quaker Hill, CT
Malinda Johnston, South Windsor, CT
Zachary C. Jones, Groton, CT
Terrance Jones, Groton, CT
Pierlette C. Jones, Niantic, CT
Alexis V. Jordan, Niantic, CT
Miles R. Joyner, North Franklin, CT
Chloe R. Kallen, Norwich, CT
Katelyn H. Kawabe, Ledyard, CT
Michael C. Keedy, Lebanon, CT
Joseph Keller, Norwich, CT
Lisa E. Kelly, Groton, CT
Matthew A. Kerkes, East Haddam, CT
Haylie J. Kerkes, East Haddam, CT
Tenzin Khado, Uncasville, CT
Nolan M. Kinne, Groton, CT
Natasha L. Knight, Moodus, CT
Kathleen M. Knittel, Westbrook, CT
Marie Kobar, East Lyme, CT
Susan M. Kobyluck, Oakdale, CT
Christina Y. Konstantinidis, Canterbury, CT
Jennifer L. Kopetz, Moosup, CT
Daniel C. Korponai, Norwich, CT
Kelly Kuang, Norwich, CT
Jennifer H. Kudlach, Norwich, CT
Sherab D. Kunga, Norwich, CT
Sydney E. Lakowsky, Oakdale, CT
Michael D. Lally, Waterford, CT
Hunter T. Lane, Groton, CT
Anastasia Larionova, Norwich, CT
Tiffany S. Lazur, Lebanon, CT
Brittney M. LeClair, Baltic, CT
Daniel J. Lemik, Lebanon, CT
Hunter R. Lewis, Quaker Hill, CT
Johnny Liang, Norwich, CT
Sierra M. Libby, Groton, CT
Anh P. Lieu, Norwich, CT
Chi P. Lieu, Norwich, CT
Lauren M. Limauge, East Lyme, CT
Nancy Linn, Gales Ferry, CT
Linda E. Lionetti, Oakdale, CT
Nicholas J. Litke, North Stonington, CT
Karen P. Littell, Uncasville, CT
Melissa J. Loos, Centerbrook, CT
Francisco F. Loredo del Angel, North Stonington, CT
Nicole C. Los, New London, CT
Pedro A. Luna, Willimantic, CT
Stephanie A. Lussier, Gales Ferry, CT
Michael K. Macek, Old Saybrook, CT
David M. Maher, Norwich, CT
Jennifer L. Malcein, New London, CT
Carl R. Malinowsky, Oakdale, CT
Christie P. Marien, Waterford, CT
Matthew A. Marra, Norwich, CT
Phoebe E. Marsh, Preston, CT
Rolando R. Martinez, Groton, CT
Melissa H. Martinez, Pomfret Center, CT
Jessica B. Mason, Gales Ferry, CT
Chelsea L. Matarese, Salem, CT
Marta Z. Matysek, Uncasville, CT
Sunitta K. McCarthy, Colchester, CT
Andrew McCauley, Pawcatuck, CT
James McCutcheon, North Stonington, CT
Allison E. McDonald, Mystic, CT
Erin A. McIntyre, Ledyard, CT
Peggy M. McNamara, Stratford, CT
Brandon C. Mehlinger, Lisbon, CT
Danielle L. Mercado, East Lyme, CT
Jennifer P. Messervy, Salem, CT
Samuel Michaud, Old Lyme, CT
Phillip Michel, Jewett City, CT
Alexandra Michelson, Old Mystic, CT
Alaina H. Milukas, Quaker Hill, CT
Kelly M. Minzy, Lisbon, CT
David M. Misiaszek, Gilman, CT
Jessica M. Mitchell, Norwich, CT
Kathleen T. Molski, Middletown, CT
Rachel I. Moniz, Norwich, CT
Abigail Moran, Griswold, CT
Christopher Morgan, Ledyard, CT
Kelly A. Morgan, Norwich, CT
Jessica A. Morris, New London, CT
Deeann T. Morton, Uncasville, CT
Sharon Mott, Groton, CT
Nathanael L. Mowan, Uncasville, CT
Stephen R. Mowan, Uncasville, CT
Kyle A. Muenzner, Scotland, CT
Chynna-Mai R. Munroe, Norwich, CT
Kathryn Murphy, Gales Ferry, CT
Allison E. Murphy, Mystic, CT
Robert L. Murray, Ledyard, CT
Nicholas C. Nado, Mystic, CT
Suseline F. Nascimento, Taftville, CT
Po H. Ng, Ledyard, CT
Jia Yi Ng, Norwich, CT
Devin J. Noe, Salem, CT
Flore S. Norceide, Stoughton, CT
Mark S. Novic, Norwich, CT
Gail E. Noyes, Norwich, CT
Andrew R. Nyman, Norwich, CT
Hannah C. Olesen, Norwich, CT
Lauren K. O’Neill, Waterford, CT
Kiana Q. Ordonio, Groton, CT
Ana P. Ortiz, New London, CT
Megan S. Ory, Waterford, CT
Heather L. Palardy, Groton, CT
Nicole A. Palmer, Norwich, CT
Alexis Parker, Pawcatuck, CT
Sachi A. Patel, Griswold, CT
Anima Patel, New York, NY
Steve K. Patel, Norwich, CT
Mira P. Patel, Waterford, CT
Thomas Paulantonio, Waterford, CT
Cody A. Pearson, Griswold, CT
Zoe J. Pearson, Jewett City, CT
Kimberly D. Pedchenko, Plainfield, CT
Hannah M. Perham, Norwich, CT
Mya K. Petchark, Waterford, CT
Patrick A. Phelan, Danielson, CT
Freya L. Phelps, Groton, CT
Kylie R. Pickford, North Franklin, CT
Alexander G. Pike, Amston, CT
Jason R. Plotkin, Waterford, CT
Malissa S. Plumley, New London, CT
Katelynne J. Pluss, Mystic, CT
Andres A. Prada, Norwich, CT
Alexander D. Prescott, North Franklin, CT
Aleigha S. Price, Salem, CT
Danielle M. Pucci, Mystic, CT
Sean Purnell, Groton, CT
Michelle E. Quiles, East Hartford, CT
Daniel G. Raftery Jr, Pittsfield, MA
Brittany M. Rainville, Griswold, CT
Alejandra Ramirez, Groton, CT
Jandre Ramos, East Hartford, CT
Oma B. Rampersaud, Oakdale, CT
Rachel A. Raposa, Lisbon, CT
Taylor M. Rasie, East Lyme, CT
Patrick G. Ray, Norwich, CT
Christopher Reed, Groton, CT
Nathaniel J. Reigles, Oakdale, CT
Jessica B. Remondi, Uncasville, CT
Kelly L. Richmond, Westerly, RI
Victoria E. Rineer, Groton, CT
Marcelina L. Rivera, Groton, CT
Evelyn I. Roderick, Norwich, CT
Heather A. Rogers, Groton, CT
Nataliia Romanenko, Niantic, CT
Nikolaos Rotas, Storrs Mansfield, CT
Ruth Rubert, Hartford, CT
Adam B. Rugh, Old Mystic, CT
Travis W. Rybarick, Norwich, CT
Kaylyn A. Sadler, Norwich, CT
Tiffany A. Salen, Groton, CT
Ashley Salvemini, North Franklin, CT
Christina Sanford, Lisbon, CT
Keleigh J. Santarcangelo, Plainfield, CT
Sydney J. Santiago, Griswold, CT
Lateasha Santosuosso, Pomfret Center, CT
Sean R. Saunders, Bozrah, CT
Rebekah M. Sawyer, East Lyme, CT
Ericka Schaedler, Griswold, CT
Clinton Scheibner, Groton, CT
Jason A. Scherff, Colchester, CT
Carol M. Schmardel, Clinton, CT
Allison Schmauder, Marlborough, CT
John L. Schmidt, Colchester, CT
Jessica L. Scrivano, Willimantic, CT
Deja M. Sebastian, Ledyard, CT
Steven Shenkle, Lebanon, CT
Carley Silvia, Waterford, CT
George T. Simones, Waterford, CT
Shannon M. Smith, Jewett City, CT
Sha’Quaysia J. Smith, New London, CT
Alexandra E. Smith, Norwich, CT
Gregory M. Smith, Waterford, CT
Crystal J. Snyder, Ledyard, CT
Jason G. Soucie, Colchester, CT
Cody T. Sowell, Norwich, CT
Mark D. Spaeth, New London, CT
Mark Sperduto, Norwich, CT
Elise M. Sperry, Waterford, CT
Jaeden Spitale, Baltic, CT
Karyn E. Stamper, Central Village, CT
Lisa M. Stanhope, New London, CT
Erin M. Stankiewicz, Marlborough, CT
Ronnie J. Steele, Niantic, CT
Charles E. Straut, Amston, CT
Christopher C. Strickland, Uncasville, CT
Alexi Switz, Stonington, CT
John R. Szruba, Moosup, CT
Eric A. Taylor, East Lyme, CT
Karolynn M. Thompson, North Stonington, CT
Ian B. Thompson, Old Lyme, CT
Mary K. Tobin, Pawcatuck, CT
Nolan Tonucci, Griswold, CT
Alisha I. Towpasz, Pawcatuck, CT
April Tylerheaps, Yantic, CT
Marco A. Valencia, Norwich, CT
Justin M. Vance, New London, CT
Arianna N. Velez, Norwich, CT
Joseph C. Victorino, Mystic, CT
Raymonjo C. Victorino, Mystic, CT
Christina M. Villano, Uncasville, CT
Benjamin Volk, Pawcatuck, CT
Bo Wang, North Franklin, CT
Jennifer A. Ward, Uncasville, CT
Renee J. Watrous, Hanover, CT
Allison J. Watrous, Norwich, CT
Samuel C. Webster, Norwich, CT
Alexandra Weeman, Norwich, CT
April Weeman, Oakdale, CT
Thomas J. Weigand-Watkinson, Norwich, CT
Ethan W. Wentworth, Lebanon, CT
Jordan M. Weum, Lebanon, CT
Tanya S. Wheeler, Groton, CT
Joseph L. Whitmore, Norwich, CT
Ashley Wibel, Groton, CT
Mary Wilcox, Norwich, CT
Brittney L. Wiley, Norwich, CT
Justice Wilk, Pawcatuck, CT
Kenneth C. Willey, Griswold, CT
Jennafer L. Williams, Norwich, CT
Carly N. Wilson, Mystic, CT
Kelsey M. Wilson, New London, CT
Matthew H. Wise, Voluntown, CT
Joshua C. Wolf, Lebanon, CT
Emily Woodin, Colchester, CT
Jeremy S. Woodruff, Old Saybrook, CT
Nicholas E. Wycoff, Ledyard, CT
Elizabeth M. Wyland, Voluntown, CT
Wendy A. Yat, Uncasville, CT
Siyoung Yu, Storrs, CT
Katelyn Zubritsky, Waterford, CT
Nicholas R. Zujus, Mystic, CT
Megan Zummo, Groton, CT
READ MOREThree Rivers College Foundation receives $2,500 grant from Chelsea Groton Foundation to assist former Ridley-Lowell Students
The Three Rivers College Foundation was recently awarded $2,500 from the Chelsea Groton Foundation to fund a unique workforce training completion program for former Ridley-Lowell students. After the unfortunate closing of Ridley-Lowell this past spring, Three Rivers Community College opened its doors to students to help them complete their training programs.

(L-R) Miria Toth of Chelsea Groton Bank stands with Mary Ellen Jukoski, TRCC President; Jen Delucia, Chelsea Groton Bank and Three Rivers Foundation Board Member; Betty Baillargeon, TRCC Director of Institutional Advancement; and William Stanley, Three Rivers College Foundation President.
The Three Rivers College Foundation applied for grant monies through the Chelsea Groton Foundation to support these displaced students on their path to training completion. The Chelsea Groton Foundation is committed to supporting the long-term growth of our community through supporting education, economic development and various community initiatives. Together, the Three Rivers College and Chelsea Groton Foundations will provide a pathway to success for students in our region.
There are several non-credit Workforce programs that would be a natural fit for Ridley-Lowell students, including the Medical Administrative Assistant Program, Medical Billing & Coding Program and Dental Assisting Program. Students can start as soon as this summer with Medical Math. To discuss Workforce courses and enrollment, call 860-215-9028 or visit www.threerivers.edu/workforce.
Former Ridley-Lowell students would also benefit from Certified Clinical Medical Assistant, A.S., the newest associate degree program at Three Rivers that begins this fall. Graduates of this program will be eligible to sit for the exam as a Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA). For more information on credit courses and degree programs, contact the Welcome Desk at 860-215-9016 or visit www.threerivers.edu.