Help With Class Scheduling
Building your class schedule isn’t hard to do
- Three Rivers uses the same Class Schedule module as other community colleges in the state — it is a powerful tool, but if you haven’t used it before it might seem complicated. This guide will help make using it just a little bit easier.
- Select the term for which you are enrolled from the menu
- Select “Three Rivers CC” from the menu
- Select “Open”
- Select “Credit” (if enrolled in a degree or certificate program)
- Select “All”
- First year students typically do not use the “Date” and “Time” filters
- Click “Get Courses”
On the resulting screen, the classes available at Three Rivers for the term you selected will be listed alphabetically by subject.
“CRN” stands for Course Registration Number; you need this number to complete online class registration.
Information on class days, times, and instructor are displayed.
“REM” stands for Remaining, meaning the remaining seats available for that course.
“Location” indicates whether a class is on our campus, online, or at another location. For on-campus classes (indicated by “KTRCC”) the room number is also indicated.
If you have further questions, our advising department can help you find the classes you need.
Understand the process? Go to the scheduler.