Showing 4 comments
  • Andrew Shetland


    Congrats, it was my pleasure working with you. Enjoy this moment, you’ve earned it. If you ever need a letter of recommendation, don’t hesitate to reach out.

    Andy Shetlanc


    Congratulations Ben! We are so happy for you. Best of luck and smooth sailing into the next chapter of your life! Take in every minute because time goes soooo fast! Love Bruce, Cindy, and Morgan

  • Janice Murphy

    Congratulations to You, My Friend! Well done, Ben! Love you, Gram and Gramps

  • Kinnie

    Ben, we are sooo proud of you! You are a smart, kind, caring young man whose future is so bright. Always reach for the stars. Love you lot! Mom and Dad 💖

Graduate Guest Book

Benjamin Sterry Kinnie
General Engineering Technology, A.A.S

Current Residence :

Griswold, CT


General Engineering Technology, A.A.S

I will also be graduating with the following additional degree(s) and certificates

Data Analytics Certificate

Year of Graduation:


I wanted to earn my degree because:

I enjoyed using CAD software in highschool. After graduating last year with my Technology Studies A.S. and my CAD Certificate, I wanted to take General Engineering and Data Analytics as they would help expand upon my skills and give me a much broader sense of classes for future employment.

While earning my degree, my greatest supporters were:

Definitely my parents! Also my siblings, who had already been through college; they helped me with just about any issue I faced.

I’d like to give a shout out to:

Mark Comeau, Leticia Orozco, Professor Sherrard, and Kathleen Gray all helped me to have a smooth college experience as well as great guidance and help from each one of them.

What I like best about my degree program and what it means to me is:

Learning more about how to do what I already liked to do.

What I enjoyed most about my experience at Three Rivers Community College was:

Some of the events were actually pretty neat. I was also lucky to get a class or two with my friends, which would allow us to hang out in the cafeteria for a bit each day.

Now that I have completed college, I’m most looking forward to:

The next chapter of my life, putting my degrees to use.