Graduate Guest Book

Freda  Mensah Badu
Nursing, A.S.

Current Residence :

Colchester, CT


Nursing, A.S.

Year of Graduation:


I wanted to earn my degree because:

It will increase my career stability and satisfaction and impact the community.

While earning my degree, my greatest supporters were:

My supporters were my fantastic mother, who supported me with prayers and encouragement; my beautiful children, that endured my hugs and kisses; my husband, who has been urging and loving me through thick and thin; and my dear friends.

I’d like to give a shout out to:

All the people that walked this journey with me.

What I like best about my degree program and what it means to me is:

My teachers and colleagues were helpful and willing to listen and help whenever needed.

What I enjoyed most about my experience at Three Rivers Community College was:

I enjoyed my classes and the knowledge I learned from professionals from a myriad of backgrounds.

I plan to use my degree to:

help people by working as a nurse and also volunteering in local organizations that are working toward a positive change.

Now that I have completed college, I’m most looking forward to:

Using my degree to attain my dream job as the nurse I have always dreamt of.

What I’ll miss most about Three Rivers is:

I will miss the excellent friends and professors who contributed to my success.