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  • Yairiluz Diaz

    I can not put into words how I feel. I know I always say this but you don’t understand how incredibly proud I am to call you my daughter. Not only because you earned your degree but to know you are so dedicated in everything you do. You never give up. I know you always say; “without our support…” but you truly did all this on your own. You woke up everyday went to work, completed assignments, attended classes and still managed to make time for us. We love you dearly. ❤️ Thank you for being a great example to your siblings.

  • Mia

    I am so proud of you you will forever be my role model, you have been waiting for the day you graduate since forever and you did!

  • America Diaz

    Estoy orgulloza de ti y tus logros espero que en este nuevo comienzo sigas dando lo mejor de ti porque eres especial Dios te Bendiga. y sigue hacia el triunfo con amor

  • Keisha

    Me siento orgullosa de ver lo que has logrado con mucha dedicación. Espero que puedas seguir logrando todo lo que te propongas en la vida.Sabes que te quiero mucho y que Dios te bendiga y guíe cada paso que des. ¡Éxitos! Con amor titi Keisha❤️🫶🏻🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • Mariluz Jimenez

    Congrats!! What a great accomplishment! Proud of you! God bless

  • Yuridia flores perez

    I’m beyond proud of you for getting this far and to where you will get in life. To the woman you’ve become and for all the success you’ve completed! May the Lord continue on blessing you with all you wish to accomplish in life. I’ll always be there for when you need me! Love you soo much-yurii

Graduate Guest Book

Yairiahna  Perez
Accounting Career, A.S.

Current Residence :

Groton, CT


Accounting Career, A.S.

I will also be graduating with the following additional degree(s) and certificates

Accounting Certificate

Year of Graduation:


I am the first in my family to earn a college degree.


I wanted to earn my degree because:

I would be the first person in my family to graduate college and I wanted to expand on my knowledge and education.

While earning my degree, my greatest supporters were:

My parents, Yairi and Anthony, and my siblings, Mia and Jayden. They always made sure I was okay and that I knew they were there no matter what.

I’d like to give a shout out to:

My family, without their support and love, the journey would have been so much harder. Thank you guys for never giving up on me!

What I enjoyed most about my experience at Three Rivers Community College was:

All the help Three Rivers had to offer, whether it was education, finances, or even just food you need at home. I knew the faculty and staff were there to help.

I plan to use my degree to:

Continue my education, incorporating what I've learned to my future job as a computer engineer.

Now that I have completed college, I’m most looking forward to:

Taking a break before going back again for my Bachelor’s and Master’s 🙂