Guided Pathways Advising – Appointments

Schedule an Appointment with a Guided Pathways Advisor

As a student here at Three Rivers Community College, you have a Guided Pathways Advisor assigned to your program.  You can book an appointment with the assigned advisor by clicking on their name below.  You can also learn more about the academic program you are in or are interested in below.  We offer appointments in-person and virtually during regular business hours

Academic Program

Select Guided Pathways Advisor for Appointment

Accounting, A.S.
Liz Willcox
Accounting Certificate
Liz Willcox
Architectural Design Technology, A.A.S.
Brian Keiser
Art Studies, A.A. – CSCU Pathway Transfer Degree
Catherine Ray
Biochemistry Studies, A.A. – CSCU Pathway Transfer Degree
Jordane Virgo
Biology Studies, A.A. – CSCU Pathway Transfer Degree
Jordane Virgo
Business Administration, A.S.
Lupita Paniagua
Business Studies, A.A. – CSCU Pathway Transfer Degree
Liz Willcox
Certified Clinical Medical Assistant, A.S.
Taylor Venditto
Chemistry Studies, A.A. – CSCU Pathway Transfer Degree
Jordane Virgo
Communication Studies, A.A. – CSCU Pathway Transfer Degree
Catherine Ray
Computer Science Studies, A.A. – CSCU Pathway Transfer Degree
Karina Sanchez
Computer Science Software Engineering, A.S.
Karina Sanchez
Computer-Aided Drafting Certificate
Brian Keiser
Construction Management Certificate
Brian Keiser
Criminal Justice – Enforcement Option, A.S.
Stanley Beckford
Criminal Justice
Stanley Beckford
Criminology Studies, A.A. – CSCU Pathway Transfer Degree
Stanley Beckford
Data Analytics Certificate
Brian Keiser
Early Childhood Education, A.S.
Tracy Dickson
Electronic Engineering Technology, A.S.
Brian Keiser
Engineering Science, A.S.
Brian Keiser
English Studies, A.A. – CSCU Pathway Transfer Degree
Catherine Ray
Environmental Engineering Technology, A.S.
Karina Sanchez
Environmental Health and Safety Management Certificate
Karina Sanchez
Environmental Science. A.S.
Karina Sanchez


Exercise Science Studies, A.A. – CSCU Pathway Transfer Degree
Jordane Virgo
Exercise Science, A.S.
Jordane Virgo

Economic Studies, A.A.


Tracy Dickson
General Studies Certificate
General Studies, A.S.
Stanley Beckford
Kathleen Gray
Maria Lamiotte
Jessica Lynch
Lupita Paniagua
Catherine Ray
Karina Sanchez
Liz Willcox
Jordane Virgo
Geography Studies, A.A. – CSCU Pathway Transfer Degree
Tracy Dickson
Graphic and Communication Arts Certificate
Catherine Ray
Graphic Design, A.S.
Catherine Ray
History Studies, A.A. – CSCU Pathway Transfer Degree
Tracy Dickson
Human Services, A.S.
Maria Lamiotte
Liberal Arts and Sciences, A.A.
Kathleen Gray    &   Jessica Lynch
Library Technology Certificate
Catherine Ray
Manufacturing Engineering Technology, A.S.
Brian Keiser
Marketing Certificate
Lupita Paniagua
Mathematics Studies, A.A. – CSCU Pathway Transfer Degree
Jordane Virgo
Mechanical Engineering Technology, A.S.
Brian Keiser
Nuclear Engineering Technology, A.S.
Kathleen Gray
Nursing, A.S. *Only students selectively admitted into Nursing
  • Pre-Nursing students are accepted into  General Studies and can meeting with any General Studies Guided Pathways Advisor listed above.
Taylor Venditto
Pathway to Teaching Careers, A.A.
Tracy Dickson
Physics Studies, A.A. – CSCU Pathway Transfer Degree
Jordane Virgo
Political Science Studies, A.A. – CSCU Pathway Transfer Degree
Tracy Dickson
Psychology Studies, A.A. – CSCU Pathway Transfer Degree
Jessica Lynch
Social Work Studies, A.A. – CSCU Pathway Transfer Degree
Maria Lamiotte
Sociology Studies, A.A. – CSCU Pathway Transfer Degree
Maria Lamiotte
Spanish Studies, A.A. – CSCU Pathway Transfer Degree
Lupita Paniagua
Sports and Leisure Management, A.S.
Jordane Virgo
Technology Studies, A.S.
Brian Keiser
Technology Studies: Data Science Option, A.S.
Brian Keiser
Visual Fine Arts, A.A.
Catherine Ray


Special Advising Services

Eastern Connecticut State University Transfer Advising (not TRCC Advising)

Michelle Noonan

Academic Success Center – ECSU

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