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Graduate Guest Book

Cameron James Sousa
Mechanical Engineering Technology, A.S.

Current Residence :

Groton, CT


Mechanical Engineering Technology, A.S.

Year of Graduation:


I wanted to earn my degree because:

I wanted to earn my Mechanical Engineering Technology degree to pursue a career in emerging technologies.

While earning my degree, my greatest supporters were:

My mother and father, my family, and Mr.Alan White for all of the support that you have given me throughout the years. Thank you!

I’d like to give a shout out to:

All my fellow graduates. Congratulations on all of your hard work and I wish you all a successful future!

What I like best about my degree program and what it means to me is:

My degree program challenged me to acquire skills and trained me in critical thinking practices that I will apply in my future endeavors.

What I enjoyed most about my experience at Three Rivers Community College was:

I enjoyed learning from my Engineering Professors and the hands-on environment at Three Rivers CC.

Clubs, volunteer work, organizations that I participated in while at Three Rivers included:

Epsilon Pi Tau International Honor Society

I plan to use my degree to:

Design and build innovative products.

Now that I have completed college, I’m most looking forward to:

I am most looking forward to the next chapter of my life.

What I’ll miss most about Three Rivers is:

My Engineering Professors, courses, and my classmates.