Fall 2021 Reopening at TRCC

Welcome to the Fall Semester at Three Rivers 

The TRCC community looks forward to working with you as we plan for the Fall 2021 semester. Please continue to reference this page for important updates and resources regarding our re-opening plans.

Additional Information for Students

We have created a dedicated page to help Three Rivers students as we transition into a “virtual campus.” Visit the Coronavirus – Information and Support for Students page for information about logging into classes, advising, tutoring, library, registering, career resources, and more.

Additional Information for Faculty and Staff

Please see the Coronavirus – Information for Faculty and Staff page for information and links that may be useful to Three Rivers faculty and staff transitioning to working and teaching remotely as well as information on how to access resources on campus.

Do you feel ill?

Contact the TRCC Covid-19 Coordinator Steve Goetchius at 860-215-9002. Whether you are a student, faculty or staff, he will take your information and take next steps. Please fill out this online form and follow the steps provided if you feel ill. 

Vaccinations Required for Students on Campus

On Thursday, June 24, the Board of Regents voted to require all students who participate in on-campus activities this fall to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. That means if you plan on attending class or extracurricular activities in-person, you must first get vaccinated.

The vaccines that are currently authorized in the United States are safe, highly effective, and critical to resuming normal operations at our campuses this fall. If you have not already done so, now is the time to get vaccinated. With more infectious, more severe variants becoming more and more prevalent, getting your shot is the best way to protect yourself and your family.

Declare your vaccination status before the semester starts at MyCommNet.edu.

View the Connecticut Vaccine Portal to find a FREE vaccine provider near you (ct.gov)

Students who need to seek a medical or non-medical exemption, please follow these directions:

More information is available on the CSCU website. View Vaccine Requirement FAQs (ct.edu)

TRCC 2021 Coronavirus Pandemic Disclaimer

If you have questions or concerns, you can contact the TRCC Covid-19 Coordinator Steve Goetchius at 860-215-9002 or at sgoetchius@trcc.commnet.edu.

We will follow up with additional information on how students can document their vaccination status prior to the beginning of the semester.

Campus Open at Limited Capacity

The campus is still running at a limited capacity and there are specific protocol for coming to campus. Please read it thoroughly here.

The Health & Wellness Center is open Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am – 7:00 pm and Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.

The college is open to the public. All employees and students are expected to always wear face masks when they are on campus.

Fall Business hours will be Monday through Thursday, 7:00 am – 10:00pm and Friday 7:00 am – 7:00 pm. These hours are subject to change as needed.

The Main and Clock Tower entrances to the building will be open. The Main Entrance is the only entrance/exit for faculty and staff and public use. Middle College Staff and Students will continue to use this entrance/exit. Students will be encouraged to use the South Lobby Entrance at the Clock Tower. All other building doors will continue to be locked and not used as either entrances or exits.

Thank you for your adherence to these procedures. 

Scheduling an On-Campus or Virtual Appointment 

Appointments for On-Campus Meetings.

Please note, enrollment staff will be available as we re-open our campus. No appointment is needed to access student services in the A-Wing, appointments are strongly encouraged.

To schedule an on-campus or virtual appointment with a member of our team, please use the following contact list to initiate your request. Please make sure to include your full name and TRCC Student ID# on all email correspondence:

Admissions@threerivers.edu for questions regarding Three Rivers and the application process

Advising@threerivers.edu for advising and/or registration questions 

Registrar@threerivers.edu for registration and/or student record questions

FinancialAidHelp@threerivers.edu for financial aid questions

TR-businesslink@threerivers.edu for payment questions

On-Campus Appointment Protocol

Select classes will be offered on campus. Enrollment staff will be available. It is strongly encouraged that you make an appointment. When you arrive at the TRCC campus for your appointment, please enter the building via our Main Entrance, located at the back of the building. The main and Clock Tower entrances to the building will be open with the start of fall classes on August 26. From there, a staff member will meet and escort you to your assigned appointment area. Please note the following:

  • You will be required to wear a mask the entire time you are in the building, following CSCU Mask and Social Distancing Guidelines. Please also read this Interim Guidance for the Use of Face Coverings in Schools during COVID-19 from the Connecticut State Department of Education;
  • We ask that you use the hand sanitizer station located at the Main Security desk upon entry to the building;
  • You are expected to follow social distancing guidelines while in the building;
  • You are encouraged to bring your own note-taking materials such as paper, pens, and/or technology, as we will not supply these items during your visit;
  • We will promote the use of paperless interactions whenever possible;
  • Friends or family members will not be allowed to accompany you for your appointment, unless prior arrangements have been made; and
  • Social/common areas will not be available for use.

Following your appointment, you will be directed back to the Main Security desk to log out.

On-Campus Protocol for Faculty, Staff and Students

The College is open to the general public beginning. All faculty, staff, students and vendors must use only the Main Entrance, near the Security Office in the back of the building, to enter and exit the building.

The Main and Clock Tower entrances to the building will be open with the start of fall classes on August 26. The Main Entrance is the only entrance/exit for faculty and staff and public use. Students will be encouraged to use the South Lobby Entrance at the Clock Tower. All other building doors will continue to be locked and not used as either entrances or exits.

ID badges will be required to enter and leave the building; new ID scanning equipment will be located there. If you do not have a badge, please plan accordingly to schedule an appointment to come in to obtain one.

  • Faculty and staff — please contact Chris Marceau at 860-215-9268 or cmarceau@trcc.commnet.edu.
  • Students who will have classes on campus this fall can contact Student Services at welcomecenter@threerivers.edu for an ID badge.
  • Anyone without a badge, including vendors, will be required to obtain a temporary badge for the day from the Security Office, before you will be allowed to enter the building.

General Information on Campus Resources

Due to the pandemic, some of the amenities of the College will be unavailable or have different accessibility.

  • Restrooms are all open. Facilities has established frequent cleaning/disinfecting schedule.
  • The TRCC Food Servery will be open Monday through Thursday, 8:30 am – 6:00 pm and Friday 8:30 am – 12:00 pm.
  • Vending machines will be available in both the cafeteria and the Cyber Cafe.
  • Water fountains throughout the building have been converted to water stations for no-touch bottle filling.
  • The Health & Wellness Center is open Monday through Thursday, 10:00 am – 6:00 pm and Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.
  • Use of “touch” Equipment on Campus: Printers, Vending Machines, ATM, microwaves, refrigerators, etc. – Personal accountability is required for self-cleaning before use and after use with disinfectant supplies located at these areas.
  • Library Services: The library is fully staffed and open to the public Monday through Thursday 8:30 am – 8:00 pm and Friday 8:30 am – 3:00 pm, no appointment needed. Virtual assistance will continue throughout the semester. Please see a complete list of all library services at the following link. https://www.trcc.commnet.edu/learning-resources/library/.
  • IT Services – IT help is available remotely. Please follow the instructions at https://www.trcc.commnet.edu/it/.
  • Manufacturing Apprenticeship Center (MAC) – We will continue to offer workforce classes at the MAC at Grasso Technical High School in Groton.

Health and Safety Protocols

In addition to our Facilities Cleaning Procedure, a stringent daily system of disinfecting and cleaning based on CDC and CT Department of Public Health guidelines, the following measures will be implemented: 

  • Partitions and Plexiglas shields (and other enhanced safety measures) will be installed;
  • Hand sanitizer stations are located at the main security entrance and other accessible portions of the campus;
  • Wipes and/or disinfectant spray will be available for use in high contact and frequently used areas; 
  • Signage will help to remind the campus community of social distancing requirements, the mandatory wearing of masks, and other health and safety protocols.
  • CSCU Mask and Social Distancing Guidelines must be followed.

This page has information regarding the reopening of the Three Rivers campus. We are taking every care to ensure that the return to campus is done safely and thoughtfully. This webpage will be kept up-to-date with all the latest information on our reopening processes and procedures. So please check back regularly.

Procedures for Social Distancing

  • Please do not enter the building if you feel sick or have a temperature, please go home and follow these CDC Guidelines.
  • The main entrance will be the only entrance/exit for anyone (staff, faculty, and students) to enter the building.
  • For contact tracing purposes, everyone will be required to log in at the Security Desk and identify their destination.
  • Students will be met at the Security Desk by someone from the Student Services Division.
  • A hand sanitizer station will be available at this entrance, and all entering are expected to sanitize their hands.
  • Face masks are required to be worn at all times in the building and while working; exceptions will be determined by your supervisor.
  • A social distance of 3 feet must be maintained at all times.
  • Upon departure, all staff and students are required to log out according to communicated procedures.

For Faculty and Staff

  • Faculty and staff should continue to offer remote services wherever possible, i.e., continue to offer online advising, tutoring sessions, admissions, etc.
  • When in the building, please do not schedule any in-person meetings. Staff should place phone calls to one another or utilize TEAMS when collaboration is needed.
  • Covid-19 awareness safety signage will be posted at the entrance/exit and throughout the building along with hand-sanitizing stations.
  • Employees who have an ADA or FMLA accommodation request related to COVID-19 should contact Kim Carolina, CSCU Capital East Regional HR Manager at kcarolina@commnet.edu or 860-343-5715. College supervisors, Deans, and the President are not authorized to discuss your request in any detail, ask you for documentation, or render any decision your request.
  • Classroom and lab furnishings have been carefully placed to maintain 6-foot distancing. Please do not move any of these furnishings.
  • Plexiglass shields will be installed at the security desk, welcome center, admissions, financial aid, and library circulation desk; other areas will be evaluated as needed.

Facilities Cleaning Procedures

TRCC will incorporate a thorough cleaning policy as per the CDC and State guidelines listed here.

Facilities personnel are using approved disinfectant products for the following usage throughout the building:

  • All high-touch areas in buildings (doorknobs, handles, railings, entrances, elevator buttons, service tabletops, bathroom touch knobs and sanitizer pump stations) are disinfected multiple times throughout the day.
  • All bathrooms are cleaned and disinfected every time they are fully serviced.
  • All hard floor surfaces, especially in the bathrooms, are damp mopped with disinfectant, killing any germs produced by human waste and/or sick people.
  • During Spring Break, a full disinfection process took place in all buildings.
  • Cleaning will be completed by qualified cleaning staff and will be done between classes and at the end of every day. If there is any reason to believe that there needs to be additional cleaning for a contamination issue, there will be an additional cleaning of that area or entire space.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Disclaimer

Beginning March 2020, Connecticut along with the rest of the United States suffered the effects of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Day-to-day life as it existed before the pandemic changed drastically, and individuals and institutions adapted to new practices and behaviors. Normative actions now include wearing facial masks, maintaining social distance, and working and learning remotely. Learning about and adherence to Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance has become a way of life. As we plan for the next academic year, so much is uncertain, including the continuing threat of COVID-19.

The Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) must adapt to meet this reality. Going forward, it is up to all of us – faculty, staff and students – to do our part to ensure our campus community stays as healthy and safe as possible. This is a shared responsibility, and every member of our community must adhere to national, state, and local health guidelines and requirements, and adhere to those measures Three Rivers Community College deems safe and appropriate for the campus. This will include social distancing, wearing masks or other facial coverings, not reporting to class or work if sick, and isolating when required.

Although Three Rivers Community College is readily developing a schedule of courses that include some in-class and on-ground instruction, no one knows what the future may hold. In the case of an outbreak of the coronavirus or other illness, the institutions reserve the right to adapt the format of any class to an entirely online/distance learning modality as public health conditions warrant. Such change will not result in any increase or decrease of tuition and fees. We all understand that tuition and fees are in exchange for learning, academic credit, and certain non-academic services regardless of whether taught on-ground, in a hybrid environment or entirely remotely.

Most important to CSCU and Three Rivers Community College is the health, safety and welfare of every member of its community. Yet, despite campus efforts to comply with health and safety guidelines, it is not possible to guarantee a disease free environment, or to guarantee that campuses will not close and return to an online-only learning environment. These are the realities of working and learning during a pandemic. If you choose to return to campus during the pandemic, you accept that you are willing to do your part to keep the campus safe and acknowledge that you may be required to complete your course work in a remote learning environment.

The Three Rivers Community College community is looking forward to welcoming you back.


Building Hours

7:00 am – 10:00 pm, Mon-Thu 
7:00 am – 7:00 pm, Friday

Student On-Campus Appointments

9:00 am – 4:30 pm, Mon-Thu


Click one of the following to email for an appointment.

Financial Aid