ASHI Child & Babysitting Safety
ASHI Child & Babysitting Safety with CPR/AED and Basic First Aid
What is the Child & Babysitting Safety course?
This eight-hour course by the American Safety and Health Institute gives students everything they need to know for safe and successful babysitting, from getting started with their business to relating to parents and children, from key safety and caregiving to first aid training.
For most new babysitters, building a babysitting business starts with family, friends, and then neighbors. Learn what things you should do to get ready for your first job, including determining what to charge, how to help parents get to know you, getting to know the family, and letting people know you are open for business.
Besides, it is also designed to focus on proper supervising, caring for, and keeping children and infants safe in a babysitting setting. It covers fundamental information like playtime, basic caregiving skills, prevention, and responding properly to ill or injured children or infants, including a complete course in CRP/AED and Basic First Aid.
Course Description
The course will cover:
- Preparing to babysit
- Thinking like a babysitter
- Being ready to babysit
- Babysitting business basics
- Getting to know the family
- What to cover before parents leave
- Taking care of kids
- Caring for kids and they’re basic
needs - Handwashing and hygiene
- Food preparation
- Diapers and helping kids use the
bathroom - Playtime
- Managing challenging behavior
- Naps and bedtime
- Caring for kids and they’re basic
- Safety and injury prevention
- Basic First Aid
- CPR and AED
Upon completing this course, participants receive a 2-year certification from ASHI (American Safety and Health Institute). This certification is based on written and performance evaluation which takes place during the course.
- At least 12-18 years of age
Course Schedule
Summer 2021 CRN# 51208
- Instructor: CPR Alive
- Instructional Method: Traditional – These classes are fully on campus. For more information about Instructional Methods, visit here.
- Date: Friday, 6/18/21
- Time: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
- Location: Room B127
- Cost: $100, including supplies
- Registration Deadline: 6/11/21
Register Now!
To register for this course, please visit our Workforce Registration Page. You’ll find directions on how to register, along with information about information sessions with Workforce advisors, funding sources for financing your tuition, refund policies, and more.
Please Note: A seat will not be held until all your registration form and payment are received.