Computing Skills and Training
IT Support Certificate (Beginner)
The IT Support Certificate is designed to give learners the skills they need for an entry-level IT role. The certificate course teaches skills including how to build a computer and install an operating system, system administration and security, networking, and troubleshooting. Learn more.
Web Developer Certificate (Intermediate)
A Web Developer is responsible for ensuring websites look good and function properly. Web developers collaborate with website and graphic designers, monitor website traffic, troubleshoot website problems when they arise, and update websites as necessary. Learn more.
Information Security Certificate (Intermediate)
A security certificate is used to provide the security level of a website to general visitors, Internet service providers (ISPs) and Web servers. A security certificate is also known as a digital certificate and as a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate. Learn more.
Network and Cloud Certificate (Advanced)
This certificate is intended for individuals with five years of hands-on experience architecting and implementing network solutions. Candidates should have experience with AWS security best practices, AWS storage options, and AWS networking, have knowledge of advanced networking architectures and interconnectivity options, and be able to design, implement and optimize global, cloud networks. Learn more.
Online training through our partner, Ed2Go®
We offer online software training through our online partner, Ed2Go. Learn the Microsoft Office suite, Adobe Photoshop, QuickBooks and more at your convenience on your schedule.
Most of the online classes run for six weeks with a new section of every course is offered monthly. Course are project-oriented and include lessons, quizzes, hands-on assignments, discussion areas, supplementary links and more. You can complete any of these courses entirely from your home or office and at any time of the day or night.
Introduction to Microsoft Excel
Do you work with numbers? Then you need to master Microsoft Excel and this is the place to do it. Even “non-techie” beginners will find it easy to learn Excel in this fun, step-by-step online course. By the time you’re done, you’ll be using this vital Office tool like a pro. Learn more and register.
Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2016
Take your Excel skills to the next level! Master charting, PivotTables, Slicers, Sparklines, and other advanced features of Microsoft Excel , and discover how this powerful MS Office program can boost your productivity. Learn more and register.
Advanced Microsoft Excel
Master advanced features and functions of Microsoft Excel, including data analysis tools, data tables and databases, PivotTables, custom controls, importing external data, and conditional formatting. Learn more and register.
Introduction to Microsoft Word
One of the most basic skills needed in any job is writing reports and letters using Microsoft Word. You’ll gain the foundational skills you need through hands-on instructions. Learn more and register.
Intermediate Microsoft Word
Go beyond the basics of word processing and master the more advanced features of Microsoft Word. From signs, newsletters, and greeting cards to long documents, you’ll learn how to create whatever you need — quickly and with professional-looking results. Learn more and register.
Introduction to QuickBooks
Learn to manage the financial aspects of your small business quickly and efficiently with this powerful accounting software program, QuickBooks is designed especially for the small- to midsized-business owner who needs a fully functional accounting system that’s also easy to use. Learn more and register.
Introduction to Photoshop CC
Discover the fastest and most effective ways to use Photoshop, the world’s most popular photo-editing program, from an expert and former columnist for Photoshop User magazine (who has twice been nominated for the Photoshop Hall of Fame). Learn more and register.
Introduction to InDesign CC
Learn how to use Adobe InDesign CC software to create professional-quality letterhead, brochures, forms, eBooks, business material and more. Learn more and register.