Celebrating Extraordinary Three Rivers Alumni
April 2019
Sharon Dumais ’05
When Three River’s exemplary alumni are being discussed, you would need to include Sharon Dumais in the conversation. In 2003, Sharon began her journey at Three Rivers and a short two years later, she graduated as the valedictorian with an associate’s degree in Accounting. During her time at Three Rivers, Sharon was a dedicated student who spent most of her time in the classroom or buried in books. Although she was a committed student, Sharon built friendships that she still values today.
During her last full semester at Three Rivers, Sharon was inspired by her Intermediate Accounting professor, Ed Muenzner, whose enthusiasm for accounting encouraged her to continue her education. After graduating from Three Rivers, Sharon made a smooth transition to Eastern Connecticut State University where she earned bachelor’s degree in Accounting in 2007. She then attended UConn, graduating in 2009 with her Master of Science in Accounting. Sharon attributes much of her success to Three Rivers stating, “Three Rivers was an affordable and flexible option for a two year degree. With just my GED and limited funds, a four year university was not a viable option. My experience at Three Rivers and the professors encouraged me to continue my education. I don’t think I would have ended up with a Master’s, a CPA and a great career if Three Rivers hadn’t started me on a solid path.”
Today, Sharon is employed as an accountant for a government contractor. She works directly under the firm’s president and will soon be taking over the financial side of his responsibilities.
*The Three Rivers College Foundation is a nonprofit charitable educational Foundation, incorporated under the laws of the State of Connecticut and granted 501 C (3) tax-deductible status by the IRS. Its purpose is to support the educational efforts of the College, the staff, and the faculty.