Error Reduction & Human Performance Fundamentals

Error Reduction & Human Performance Fundamentals

Course Description

This course is in partnership with Quinebaug Valley Community College 

In QVCC’s new Error Reduction & Human Performance Fundamentals workshop, learners will develop a new perception and understanding of detecting, preventing, and correcting mistakes. Completers will learn how to focus and properly perform critical steps – every time – and will demonstrate an understanding of human performance principles.


1. Understanding Human Performance theory & principles
• Define error and how it may be provoked.
• Outline the 5 human performance principles.
2. Managing Defenses & reducing severity of events
• Identify the different controls that makeup organization defenses.
3. Reducing Error & decreasing the frequency of events
• Identify the phases of work execution where error prevention can be applied.
• Recognize factors that increase the likelihood of error.
• Describe the 3 modes of performance and how they impact all tasks.
4. Applying Organizational Drift to Human Performance improvement
• Describe a real-world event in terms of:
• The Event
• Work as Imagined versus Work is Performed
• Flawed Defense & Error Precursors
• Latent Organizational Weaknesses
5. Using Error Avoidance tools and techniques
• Describe the use of error prevention tools and techniques
• Recognize what can provoke us into error and error likely situations

Course Schedules

Schedule TBD CRN#: TBD

  • Instructor: 
  • Instructional Method: LRON (Live Remote) – These classes are similar to traditional classes except they are fully online. You attend LRON classes at the scheduled times with your professor and classmates in a Zoom-like session. For more information about Instructional Methods, visit here.
  • Date: TBD
  • Time: TBD
  • Instructional Method: Online, students will be sent an email link
  • Cost: $325.00.
  • Registration deadline: TBD

Register Now!

To register for this course, please visit our Workforce Registration Page. You’ll find directions on how to register, along with information about information sessions with Workforce advisors, funding sources for financing your tuition, refund policies, and more.

Please Note: A seat will not be held until all of your registration forms and payment are received.